We have designed a range of high quality wildflower seed mixes that are suitable for many sites and projects. However there are occasions when a more specific tailored mix is required.
Harvested mixes
Using our specialised seed collection machinery we can harvest seed from existing habitats for use in habitat creation projects. For example from existing wildflower meadows, nature reserves, etc.
This technique can provide a unique mix that contains many species of local flora that are not available commercially.
This technology was employed in the habitat restoration project at Castle Espie.
A brush harvester was used to collect seed with permission from Killard Point National Nature Reserve. This site contains a broad spectrum of local flora including some rare species.
The seed was processed and then sown at Castle Espie by hydroseeding.
Customised mixes
Using seed stock from a wide range of native wildflower species we can provide customised seed mixes suitable for specific habitat types and habitat restoration projects.
With our knowledge of growth cycles, interactions, and requirements of different wildflower species our mixes can deliver the maximum benefits for biodiversity over a long growing season.
For example specific meadow grass mixes were designed and provided for a habitat restoration project at Castle Espie Wildfowl and Wetland Centre. The mixes were tailored to suit mesotrophic and calcareous soils.
For more information on pricing and ordering the above mixes, please click below.